BWSI Final Dashboard

Beaver Works

Thanks for a great program and final event!!

The Webcast recording is here!

Here is the current version of our program guide and yearbook!

Check out our student videos on our YouTube channel playlist, it will be updated with videos from the webcast soon.

Check out our 'after BWSI' page for links on college recommendations, internships and other opportunities

Right click to download for yourself!



Thank you from students to sponsors!

Sponsor Thank you!

Our graphic artist took the photo and signatures to make a great Thank You to our BWSI sponsors.



Download BWSI graphics for decorating at home and using in videos

Keep checking here for updated links, recordings, and schedule updates.

Please fill out the final survey!

Last Resort!

Email bwsi-admin with your questions if you do not see the answers you need on this page. BWX-help or BWinfo or BWwebmaster will only take longer to get an answer.