Blue Team Rapid Innovation Process - IAP 2015 Innovation Tournament



Blue Team Example


  • Communication loss after a disaster
  • Relief workers can't coordinate with people on the ground
  • Survivors can't communicate to share resources


  • Mobile device mesh networking
  • Use app for cell-to-cell communications



Blue Team Process

1. Understand the problem

  • How long was the "dark period"? 72 hours (Tacloban, 2013)
  • What fraction of the towers are down? 100% (Tacloban, 2013)
  • How many people have mobile phones? Nearly 100%
  • How long do those mobile phone last (battery life)? 8 hours





2. Innovate potential concepts

3. Asess physics - Does the concept work?

  • Link budget makes sense?

Yes, at ranges of ~100m (802.11a)

4. Design Architecture - Can the conept be practically engineered?

  • Population density sufficient?

Yes, for 1000-20000 per km (Rutland VT to Mumbai)


5. Rapid Demo

  • Can we show it works?

6. Prototyping

  • Develop field capability?