SWE-BWSI Build a CubeSat Challenge FAQ page
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Note: This program is managed with just a few people, *PLEASE* make every effort to read or *search for your keyword/question* on this FAQ and to find the answers prior to emailing staff swe-bwsi@mit.edu
Schedule Updates for Teams (2/22)
Flat Sat Challenge Photo - Due March 18th
Design Review Video - Due April 22nd
Prototype Demonstration Video - May 21st
Final Event - May 29th
How many teams will be selected for the challenge?
Up to 20 teams will be selected.
How much does it cost to participate in the challenge?
There is no cost to student teams selected to participate in the challenge, thanks to donations from our generous sponsors. Selected teams will receive hardware for functioning 1U CubeSat, access to OpenBWSI Build a CubeSat online course and office hours by technical mentors and additional technical mentoring support.
Is this opportunity limited to female high students only?
While SWE-BWSI Build a CubeSat Challenge is open to eligible students of any gender identity, it is designed to encourage and support female-identifying students in STEM.
I am a high school student in the USA and interested in participating. What should I do next?
You should talk to your teachers and identify a team coach. Your team coach can then apply the team for the challenge. You should also recruit team members from your school for the challenge.
What computer resources would I need to participate in this challenge?
Laptop/computer (including Chromebook) with camera/microphone and internet access.
I do not have the necessary computer resources. What are my options?
If your team is selected then you will be able to indicate in the acceptance form which computer resources you require. We have a limited number of loaner laptops made available to students who need them.
Are there prerequisites for a high school student to have taken certain classes before signing up for this challenge?
There are no prerequisites but we expect students to be interested in STEM and the topics covered in the challenge and are committed to learning throughout the challenge.
Can our team size be less than 3 students?
No, minimum team size is 3 students but a strong preference will be given to teams with 5 students.
Can team size be more than 5 students?
Yes, but the maximum size is 10 students.
Do all team members have to be from the same school?
No, but all team members should be from the same geographical area. (You will be able to work together in person.)
I am interested in participating but we do not have enough team members. What should I do?
You should consider reaching out to other high schools and/or community centers/organizations/programs to identify a team coach and recruit other students.
We have a student team but we are not able to identify a team coach from our school. What should we do?
If you have a team of five (5) students from your school or from the same geographical area (You are able to work together in person.) then please email us. We may be able to identify a mentor from your area who is willing to serve as your team coach.
Email address: swe-bwsi@mit.edu
Can one of our parents serve as our team coach?
Yes, although our preference is one of your high school teachers or mentors from community centers/organizations/programs.
I am home-schooled. Will I be able to participate?
Yes, if you are effectively a high school student and being home-schooled in the USA.
I am a high school student (US citizen/permanent resident) attending a high school outside the USA. Will I be able to participate?
No. Unfortunately this challenge is limited to high school students attending a high school in the USA. You are welcome to take BWSI 2022 prerequisite online courses (which will be made available February 1, 2022). Background information on BWSI program can be found at the link below:https://beaverworks.ll.mit.edu/CMS/bw/bwsi
I am a middle school student attending a middle school in the USA. Will I be able to participate?
No. Unfortunately this challenge is limited to high school students attending a high school in the USA. You are welcome to take BWSI 2022 prerequisite online courses (which will be made available February 1, 2022). Background information on BWSI program can be found at the link below:https://beaverworks.ll.mit.edu/CMS/bw/bwsi
Can there be more than one (1) team coach for a team?
Yes. If your team is accepted then please ask additional team coaches to fill out the team acceptance form.
Are we allowed to submit more than 1 team from our school?
Yes, but a strong preference is to accept only one (1) team from each school.
- What criteria will be used in selecting the teams?
- Selection criteria include, but limited to, the following:
Technical background for successfully completing the challenge
Commitment from all team members to successfully participate and complete the challenge
Diversity of team members
Plan for leveraging this experience to teach other students in the future
Teams from underserved and underrepresented communities
- Selection criteria include, but limited to, the following:
- The Selection Criteria for selecting teams says that it includes “Technical background for successfully completing the challenge.” What is the technical background needed for the selection of a team?
- Team members should have a mix of technical backgrounds including, but not limited to, the following:
Programming experience (Python preferred)
Working with hardware, especially Raspberry Pis, IMUs, and Raspberry Pi cameras
Linux systems
Familiarity with advanced high school math
Experience in working on technical projects
- Team members should have a mix of technical backgrounds including, but not limited to, the following:
My team does not have all of the technical background described in the selection criteria. Can we still apply?
Yes! The Build a CubeSat Challenge is intended to be a learning experience. We do not expect you to know how to do everything ahead of time. However, think about putting together a team with a mix of skill sets (mechanical, electrical, software, and program management). A team with a diverse mix of technical experience will have the best chance of success in this challenge.
How much support can student teams expect from the technical mentors?
There will be virtual bi-weekly office hours (~2 hours every other week) for all student team members to participate in. In addition, each team will be able to meet with their assigned technical mentors (bi-weekly).
There are 3 Challenges, SWE-BWSI, NSBE-BWSI and AIAA-BWSI Build a CubeSat Challenges. Can a team apply to more than one challenge?
No. You will be able to apply to only one (1) challenge.
Which challenge should our team apply to?
The team should look at all three (3) challenges and see which one works out best for them.
If our team is not selected but we are still interested in pursuing self-learning what are the options?
You are welcome to take BWSI 2022 prerequisite online courses (which will be made available February 1, 2022). Background information on BWSI program can be found at the link: https://beaverworks.ll.mit.edu/CMS/bw/bwsi
Once the challenge is launched we will provide a link to register and take OpenBWSI Build a CubeSat online course (self-paced). Anyone can register and take the course. Information will be provided on the website later this fall.
How many mentors will be selected?
Up to 20 technical mentors will be selected. We are also looking for volunteers and judges.
I am interested in being a mentor but I live outside the USA. Will I be able to volunteer?
No. All mentors and volunteers must be residing in the USA.
I am a SWE member and interested in being involved. What should I do?
Please apply to be a volunteer and/or mentors using the link below.
I am a SWE member and interested in forming a team with local high school students. Can I be a team coach?
Yes. You are welcome to form a team and serve as their coach.
I have additional questions not covered here. Who should I contact?
Please send your questions to this email address: swe-bwsi email