Jobs & Internships
Submitted by jo13286 on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 13:58
Beaver Works Summer Institute Teaching Assistants (TA's)
Interested in paying it forward? Would you like to try teaching?
Would you like to show off your skills to MIT faculty and Lincoln Laboratory staff, while networking and getting paid?
Lincoln Laboratory:
There are also paid internships at Lincoln Laboratory where you will be challenged while working on real problems with technical staff enter "Summer" as keyword at Lincoln Laboratory Careers. (you must be over 18 to apply)
Beaver Works Summer Institute Teaching Assistants (TA's)
We hire over 70 college students to help teach and manage our Summer Institute Courses- if you're interseted in teaching and really learning deeply about a specific technology - reach out and apply!! There's nothing that promotes deep understanding about a topic like teaching!
We also love to have alumni come back and help as they are already familiar with our curriculum and goals.